Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Time to wrangle it all together under one roof.

Welcome to C.A.T. Press, the big daddy overlord of all C.A.T. Press productions.
Thanks for visiting!
This will be a space to keep all the different efforts related under one name.
It may take some experimentation to get this to gel... should be an adventure!
The plan is to bring It Must be Halloween a Halloween Poem publications and merchandise,
as well as the Metacat series of Magic the Gathering publications,
my personal art blog(s) which have been neglected for a while,
and anything else that comes up into a single, centralized corner of the blogosphere.

I'll tell you about the big developments and point to the specific projects whenever anything new comes up.

Now that I know what I think I'm going to do, time to do it!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the 2nd edition of It Must be Halloween! The changes looked awesome and the book is so much better now!
